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WAVE Electronics has completed more than 1,100 projects in our 34-year history.
These are just some of our current and completed projects.

football stadium teaser

Five football stadiums

The Closed Circuit Television Systems at five football stadiums.
coop bank teaser

Bank of Cyprus shops and COOP Bank shops

The Closed Circuit Television Systems, Access Control, Burglar Alarm and Fire Alarm Systems at various Bank of Cyprus shops and COOP Bank shops.
paphoshospital teaser

Fire alarm systems in all the Hospitals

The Fire Alarm Systems at the Nicosia General Hospital, the Famagusta Hospital, the Limassol Hospital, the Paphos Hospital and the Larnaca Hospital
nicosia general hospital

Nicosia and Limassol Hospitals Automations

The Access Control Systems and automations for swing doors at the Nicosia and Limassol Hospitals.
newlarnaka airport teaser

Larnaca International Airport

The Integrated Fire Alarm and Public Address/Voice Alarm Systems design and Installation at the New Larnaka Airport
limassol general hospital teaser

Limassol General Hospital

The Nurse Call System at the Limassol General Hospital
